Webcomic Beacon #176: Newscast #15: Comic News & Discussion for April 3rd, 2011

Phil Kahn and T Campbell (Guilded Age) joins Rosscott for this edition of the Webcomic Beacon Newscast! Again, Eric Kimble is our main newshound for most of the stories we cover.

Also, as The Webcomic Beacon The Webcast Beacon Network is gearing up for a new webfiction podcast. In that we are looking into doing webfiction readings and/or audio performances. Auditions are open for people to get involved, so we can make potential selections for regular or semi-regular voice work. The the piece people are welcome to either do a reading or performance, is Bunny Tacos. Feel free to do a section, or the whole sequence. Send submissions to WebcomicBeacon@gmail.com with “Bunny Tacos” in the subject. 128 kbps MP3 files should be good enough for right now, but save your higher quality recording, just in case.



Free Marvel comics at Starbucks
(Source: Starbucks – via Bleeding Cool)

Diamond starts selling books to Borders again.
(Source: Bleeding Cool)
Borders Execs asking for Big Bonuses
(Source: Comic Mix)

Chris Onstad on His Indefinite Hiatus from ‘Achewood’
(Source: Chris Onstad – via Comics Alliance – additionally: Comix Talk)

English Con Kapow criticized for lack of women guests
(Source: End of Show – via Bleeding Cool – related: Comics Beat)

The Marvel/DC copyright on “Superhero” is being challenged.
(Source: Bleeding Cool)

Additionally: DC’s underhanded tactics against the Siegel family
(Source: Robot 6)


List of Characters that have entered the public domain
The first appearances of many well known superheros are now in the public domain and could be used by creators to make their own stories.  This site has a complete list.
(Sources: Bleeding CoolPop Crunch)

Hentai now an official dictionary term.
(Source: Robot 6)

Peanuts without the Punchline
(Source: 3aenuts – via Bleeding Cool – additionally: Washington Post)

Not mentioned on the show:

Randall Munroe of XKCD releases radiation chart
(Source: XKCD blog – via Comics Alliance)

Marvel surveys it’s users about their comic reading/buying habits
Two interesting facts:
1) Marvel directly asks if people are downloading scans of comics
2) Marvel asks no questions about webcomics or comics for free on websites.
(Source: Bleeding Cool)

Joe is Japanese Comic about the earthquake.
(Source: Joe is Japanese – via ComixTalk and Robot 6)

Proposed Comic: Lois Lane Girl Reporter
(Source: Dean Trippe – via Bleeding Cool)

Book Releases

Plus One – 9 Months and Counting

Jazz and Jess – Malice and Hypocrisy

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As always, I learned new “stuff” which is always fun.

I am very annoyed, actually angry, about Mark Milar and his lack of female guests. UK or not, no excuse!

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